About our language classes:

We are offering children’s English, German, French and Spanish lessons.

The classes take place Monday through Sunday, in the morning and additionally in the afternoons. Whether beginner or advanced, booking one of our play based classes is possible for all children ages 3 through 12.

Starting one of our classes is possible any time.

We would be happy to book your free and non-committal trial lesson at one of our locations. Additionally, everything is included with your monthly payment, meaning no extra costs for materials. Any lessons that are canceled by ABRAKADABRA will be rescheduled at the end of the contract free of charge.

Book a free and non-comittal online trial class for your child now in order to find the right class for your child! 

Just click on "Free trial-lesson" in order to book the trial class.

 When booking a contract on our website you can easily choose between different lengths of contract periods with different corresponding monthly costs! 

Just click on "book now" for an overview of possible lenghts of contract periods with the corresponding monthly costs.

Anymore questions? You will find the answers to frequently asked questions clicking on this link.


Sunday Course - English for Kids 4-6 y. Booked up

Monthly costs depending on selected contract period

Berlin-Wilmersdorf (Hauptstandort/main Location) | Wexstraße 33 | 10715 Berlin

Sunday | 10:00 - 11:00 h
Next course: Sun, 26 January

Lan­gua­ge Cour­ses

4 to 6 Years


Booked up

€59.90  per month

Sunday Course - English for Kids 6-8 y. 

Monthly costs depending on selected contract period

Berlin-Wilmersdorf (Hauptstandort/main Location) | Wexstraße 33 | 10715 Berlin

Sunday | 11:00 - 12:00 h
Next course: Sun, 26 January

Lan­gua­ge Cour­ses

6 to 8 Years


book now

€59.90  per month

Free trial-lesson

Sunday Course - German for Kids 4-6 y 

Monthly costs depending on selected contract period

Berlin-Wilmersdorf (Hauptstandort/main Location) | Wexstraße 33 | 10715 Berlin

Sunday | 10:00 - 11:00 h
Next course: Sun, 26 January

Lan­gua­ge Cour­ses

4 to 6 Years


book now

€59.90  per month

Free trial-lesson

Sunday Course - German for Kids 6-8 y 

Monthly costs depending on selected contract period

Berlin-Wilmersdorf (Hauptstandort/main Location) | Wexstraße 33 | 10715 Berlin

Sunday | 11:00 - 12:00 h
Next course: Sun, 26 January

Lan­gua­ge Cour­ses

6 to 8 Years


book now

€59.90  per month

Free trial-lesson

Spanish for kids 7-10 y. 

Monthly costs depending on selected contract period

Berlin-Wilmersdorf (Hauptstandort/main Location) | Wexstraße 33 | 10715 Berlin

Saturday | 12:00 - 13:00 h
Next course: Sat, 25 January

Lan­gua­ge Cour­ses

7 to 10 Years


book now

€59.90  per month

Free trial-lesson