The themes “Language Development” and “learning a second language” are commonly discussed in the world of education. In order for you to get a better picture of the many different positions, methods and options, we will regularly upload interesting texts, links and website with information about these topics.

Language development

These two articles describe the development of language in the first 6 years.
Sprachentwicklung null bis drei Jahre [PDF] and Sprachentwicklung null bis drei Jahre [PDF]

The Working Group of New Education provides information about varying topics in different language for parents. The themes are not only about language development in children. They attempt to cover the many areas of parents and children in different age groups. This website is definitely worth a visit every now and again. 

An informational brochure of the German Community for Language explains language development, bilingual language learning, early second language learning and disruptions in language development as well as providing helpful tips.
Sprachentwicklung bei Mehrsprachigkeit

An exciting interview with Jürgen Weissenborn, Professor of Psycholinguistics, about language learning and disruptions in language developments in children.
Interview mit Prof. Jürgen Weissenborn: "Kinder haben kein Problem, mehrere Sprachen gleichzeitig zu lernen"


How do children learn language?

How does it work, and how can parents support their children? This article from the German Community for Language sheds some light…
Förderung des Spracherwerb [PDF]

A look into the brain and how it learns language is illustrated in this exciting article. In the article Neurologists and Authors explain how children learn language and what effects multilingual education have on the brain, brain development, learning and language learning.
Gehirnforschung, Lernen und Spracherwerb

Useful information, how you can very practically support your child in language learning can be found under this link.
Unterstützung des Spracherwerbs

The Newsletter from the page “Growing up Multilingual” can give you further tips on how you can support multilingualism in your child through picture books, audio books and other media.
Hilfsmittel und Medien zur Mehrsprachigkeit [PDF]

Picture books and read-aloud games play a big role in the language development of your child. We would like to introduce you to an interesting project which is promoted by the Bundesministerium for Development and Research, as well as the Foundation for Reading.

Learning a Second Language

This is an excellent site to get an overview about the topic “how to get children to be bilingual”. For parents and educators information about development and promotion of early childhood bilingualism can be found here.

An interesting article in the FAZ about the topic: How do children learn a second language? Although the article first came out in 2006, in its foundational thesis it remains relevant.
Zwei Sprachen, ein Gedächtnis

A well written and researched brochure discussing the topic dual language learning and second language learning in young children.
Ein Kind zwei Sprachen

The authors of this article suggest that music is an important component in the learning of a second language. For this reason, on their Homepage not only scientific information on the subject available, but also song including their texts.
GanzOhr-Musik für Kinder


An exciting article from the Niedersächsischen Institute for Early Childhood Schooling and Development about the topic “Multilingualism and its chances” Mehrsprachigkeit und ihre Chancen.

Are you raising your child in multiple languages?

Perhaps you can find a couple of tips about multilingualism on the list compiled by the Deutschen Bundesverband für Logopädie. Mehrsprachigkeit.