FAQ - Your questions answered
You want your child to learn a foreign language in a playful way?
In the following you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions on our language courses:
Can my child take part in the course even without any previous knowledge in the foreign language?
Yes, due to our playful immersion concept the children in our courses do not necessarily need to have previous knowledge in the foreign language they are supposed to learn. The children will understand the content of the lessons through a lot of repetitions, gestures, facial expressions, pictures and body language, so that they do not need any direct translation.
Can the parents accompany their children during the lessons or wait for them in the location?
One person that is accompanying the child to the course lesson can stay in the class room during the trial class, but this is not compulsory. For further course lessons the children should be staying in the class room without their parents, if possible. In case of very young children (2,5 – 3 y) you can talk to the teacher and agree upon to stay in the class room for some more class appointments until the child has got used to the new situation.
In our own premises at Wexstrasse 33, 10715 Berlin you can wait in our waiting area.
Will there be an entry-level test taking place before starting with a course?
No, as we are offering language courses for children there won`t be any entry-level tests taking place.
We assign the children to the different groups according to their ages. After the free trial class you can decide whether or not the visited course is suitable for your child.
Is it possible to start with the courses at any time or do you have to meet any deadlines?
It is possible to start with our group courses at any time.
For our individual courses we agree upon the starting time and the course appointments with our clients flexibly, so that you can start at any time, as well.
Will there be additional costs for course material?
No, all costs are already included in the monthly fees.
For our courses we are making use of our own ABRAKADABRA material, which has been developed just for our ABRAKADABRA concept.
What if I cannot find a suitable course (appointment) on the website?
If you cannot find a suitable course or course appointment please contact us. We would be happy to submit you an individual offer or put your name on our waiting list for possible future courses.
What if my child does not want to or cannot take part in a course anymore?
Sometimes it happens that a child does not want to or cannot take part in a course anymore due to certain reasons. In this case please contact us. We will try to find a solution for the problem. This could be a pedagogical solution, so that the child finally wants to continue with the course or an organizational solution, i.e. finding a different course appointment.
Is it possible to switch from an offline course to an online course?
Is it possible to switch from an offline course to an online course?
Yes, you can switch from an offline course to an online course, provided that there is a suitable place in one of your online courses available.
Are online courses suitable for 3-5 year old children?
Yes, we also offer online classes for children from the ages of 3 to 5. Toddlers do have a shorter attention span in comparison to older children. That is why we do offer shorter 30 min. online classes for children of this age with even more age appropriate singing and movement games activities in front of the screen.
Do the parents have to stay with the children during the online lesson?
In general the children can attend our online courses alone without any adult person. Only for children of the ages 4-5 or for children who are attending an online course for the first time we would recommend one adult person to accompany the children at least for the first online class appointment in order to get used to the new online setting.
How long does an online lesson last?
We offer 30 min. and 60 min. online classes, depending on the ages of the children
Can I take part in the online courses without any previous knowledge of Zoom?
Yes! It is quite easy to login to the online course and deal with Zoom. If you are interested in one of our online courses we will send you an e-mail before the first online class appointment with some information on how to download the Zoom software and on how to get access to our online courses.
Can my child take part in the online course even without any previous knowledge in the foreign language?
Yes, due to our playful immersion concept the children in our online courses do not necessarily need to have previous knowledge in the foreign language they are supposed to learn. The children will understand the content of the lessons through a lot of repetitions, gestures, facial expressions, pictures and body language, so that they do not need any direct translation.
What can I do in case of Problems with Zoom?
In case of problems with Zoom please contact us. We will try to help you out.
What if my child does not want to or cannot take part in the online course anymore?
Sometimes it happens that a child does not want to or cannot take part in a course anymore due to certain reasons. In this case please contact us. We will try to find a solution for the problem. This could be a pedagogical solution, so that the child finally wants to continue with the course or an organizational solution, i.e. finding a different course appointment.
What if I cannot find a suitable online course (appointment) on the website?
If you cannot find a suitable course or online course (appointment) please contact us. We would be happy to submit you an individual offer or put your name on our waiting list for possible future courses.
Will there be an entry-level test taking place before starting with a course?
No, as we are offering language courses for children there won`t be any entry-level tests taking place.
We assign the children to the different online groups according to their ages. After the free trial class you can decide whether or not the visited course is suitable for your child.
Can my child take part in the daycamps even without any previous knowledge in the foreign language?
Yes, due to our playful immersion concept the children in our daycamps do not necessarily need to have previous knowledge in the foreign language they are supposed to learn. The children will understand the content of the lessons through repetitions, gestures, facial expressions, pictures and body language, so that they do not need any direct translation.
Can my child take part in more than one daycamp week? Will the content vary from week to week?
Yes, it is also possible to book several daycamp weeks for your child. The activities vary from camp to camp and week to week so that is possible for the children to participate in multiple camps. The more intense the language input, the better the child’s language abilities will be after the camp weeks.
Is lunch or breakfast included for the children?
We do offer to the children a daily lunch, which is included in the total costs. Nevertheless, we do not offer breakfast for the children. In case you book our early hours childcare (07:30h – 09:00h) your child can bring breakfast and take it at our premises.
Is it a problem if my child cannot eat everything due to a certain food allergy or due to certain reasons?
If your child cannot eat everything due to a food allergy or due to other reasons (i.e. religious reasons) we will try to adapt the daily lunch plan for your child. Even before the start of the daycamp we will send you a questionnaire by e-mail asking you for important information that we need to know about your child, as for example possible food allergies, medicine to take or other particularities, in order to be prepared.
What kind of excursions will be done during the daycamps?
Apart from our daily activities in our premises, we are planning lots of different and joyful outdoor activities and excursions. Depending on the weather we are planning with short outdoor activities each day and at least 2 bigger excursions per week. In the following you will find some examples of our excursions that the kids usually enjoy very much: Excursions to age appropriate museums, to a water play ground, to the traffic kindergarden, to the library or to an indoor climbing hall (age appropriate and with professional coaches).
Do the parents get a feedback on what is done in the daycamps?
At the beginning of each daycamp week you are getting a plan from us with an overview of all activities for the whole daycamp. For the last day, shortly before picking up the children, we are usually planning with short performances by the children for their parents to show what they have done and learned during the week. In addition we are handing out folders to the children in order to file all material and take it home.
What do the children have to bring for the daycamp week?
Before the start of the daycamp week we will be sending you a list with different kinds of things that should be brought by the children. These will be just usual things as i.e. slippers, pair of socks, a backpack or a drinking bottle.